Saturday, June 26, 2010

30% of candidates reject employment offers - holding out for more money!

An interesting finding from ExecuNet’s 2010 Executive Job Market Intelligence Report:

"While the large majority of recruiters refute the claim that compensation is the single biggest influence on executive career transition, 30 percent of candidates are turning down employment offers because the total pay is not high enough — even in this challenging market."

USA Staffing Services:
Probably why so many companies are turning to temps for these higher level positions as we noted in our previous blog: CFO = Temp?.

Bearing in mind these are executive level candidates, I would have to concur with the report.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Temp = CFO?

(Fortune Magazine) -- If you're like most senior company loyalists, the word "temp" probably brings to mind certain corporate characters. The receptionist who's always updating his Facebook page. The coder who spends more time on job search algorithms than on optimizing your site. The contract manager who never gets that her suit looks odd in your laid-back culture.

But in today's brutal job market, temporary is no longer the sole domain of secretaries and IT guys; it's both a thriving sub-industry for executives and a legitimate way to expand your skills. Jon Osborne, VP of research at Staffing Industry Analysts, estimates that the market for contingent management jobs will grow 90% over the next decade, to $26.6 billion; Littler Mendelson, the giant employment-law firm, forecasts that as much as 50% of all hiring in 2010 will be for contingent positions.

See complete article here.

USA Staffing Services:
These indicators seem to be confirmed by our Authorized Dealers who focus on executive-level placements. More and more of their clients are seeking contingent/temporary employees ... even at the highest levels of managment.

While it can be difficult, and very expensive, for a small- or medium-sized staffing firm to supply such high level contingent employees, the Authorized Dealers of USA Staffing Services are able to successfully maneuver around those obstacles and, as a result, strengthen their relationships with these clients.

As always, regardless of location or duty, USA Staffing Services can effectively and completely facilitate the flow of service between you and your clients.

Please visit our website for more details: